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Five-year Irish Rail contract extension for ISS

Five-year Irish Rail contract extension for ISS

ISS in Ireland has successfully retained its contract with Irish Rail (Iarnród Éireann) for another five years. Irish Rail provides passenger and freight rail services across Ireland and ISS has provided cleaning services for Irish Rail rolling stock, offices, depots and stations and concourses since first commencing operations in 1997.

ISS currently provides cleaning services at all large stations and depots throughout the country at over 65 locations nationwide to approximately 10,500 individual units each month.

With locally driven quality improvement programmes, and continued strong employee engagement at all levels, ISS was able to demonstrate collaboration from across the business to provide a value-added solution to this long-established client. 

David Hogan, Key Account Manager ISS Ireland commented: “We have seen our Irish Rail team grow to almost 300 during the lifetime of the contract and our frontline colleagues have given Irish Rail the confidence to renew our partnership for a further five years. With a great team around us, we have ensured that we remain strongly aligned with Irish Rails key values. 

Steve Jones, Contracts Manager Railway Undertaking, Heuston Station added: ‘’ISS has consistently delivered excellent service into Iarnród Éireann Irish Rail and we are delighted that this partnership is to continue following our most recent competitive tender process. We look forward to working with ISS bringing even more value-added services into Iarnród Éireann Irish Rail along with the original services that ISS had previously provided for us.”

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