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ACMS UK has launched the latest upgrade to its Vision compliance software platform and, in doing so, now offers even greater cost efficiencies and resource savings in the management of assets, audits, asbestos and even Legionella.

Near Field Communication (NFC) tags are now fully integrated into both the software modules within Vision and the mobile apps used to read, register, access and update the live data.

So how do the NFC tags work?  Well, once registered to do so, you, your preferred contractor or maintenance provider, simply holds a compatible mobile device (most mobile phones are now compatible) close to an NFC tag, and the most current, live data pertaining to that room can be instantly accessed. 

For example, any authorised user will be able to access information on any asbestos containing materials (ACMs) located within the room instantaneously without having to log-in to their software platform, drill down or search for that particular room, or worse, refer to an out-of-date site register.  It will also provide the client a register of anyone who has accessed the room or location whether they’ve logged-onto site or not – a task which often gets overlooked.

Why this is useful or even, in certain circumstances, critical? 

Room names and numbers may change but because the NFC tag holds a unique identifier for that room or location, it is totally irrelevant what the room is called or changed to – that tag is unique to that location. Asbestos data, with photos, can be instantly accessed. 

Through the same NFC tag, the authorised user can also access further information on Assets within that area and any checks, balances or servicing that may be required.

Unlike bar and QR labels that have gone before and which, if painted over, become ineffective, the NFC tag will still be viable (even if completely painted over) and the user will therefore always have access to the available data.

These tags can also be fitted to individual compliance items such as fire doors, fire extinguishers emergency lighting, plant, machinery or final outlets in Legionella making the identification of these items instant and where they should all be located.  

All too often items go ‘missing’ or a fire extinguisher is often used as a door stop rather than for its designated purpose. This means that over time the extinguisher can move from its original position to somewhere it was never intended to be.  By simply scanning the NFC tag the user can identify exactly where that extinguisher should live and return it, or if that extinguisher has been moved on purpose, then the tag can be reprogrammed to reflect that.  As far as emergency lighting and fire doors are concerned, it makes the checking and locating of these for auditing purposes remarkable easy.  A user does not even have to have any knowledge of the building, just where the tags have been located, for instance on the door jamb of a room or corridor and the app will identify the individual or group of assets in that area and the user can update the auditing information immediately.  This also confirms that the auditor has actually visited that location. Once identified, the data held within Vision can be edited remotely and uploaded immediately to the main online Vision software platform, which in turn means that all and any issues raised on site can directly notified to managers through the Vision notification system.  

Steve Aldridge, Managing Director of ACMS UK Limited, commented: “By tagging individual assets, information pertaining to that asset can be instantly available. There is no ambiguity about what the assets are or where they should be, all data such as servicing schedule, manuals, parts itineraries, etc., can be stored in the database against individual or groups of assets.  The software can also log when the tag was accessed and by whom, ensuring time efficiency and a good cross-reference for invoicing.  Information to the tag can be updated on each visit or be locked so the information stored in un-editable and therefore tamper-proof.  The system is super flexible and is already fully integrated into the Vision asbestos, assets and audits modules.’ 

NFC tags are also future-proof as the tags are programable, which means the data held on them can be reprogramed thousands of times, allowing for any changes to be implemented quickly and efficiently. 

Trialled and now ready for use, these NFC tags can be readable and editable, depending on the clients’ requirements.

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