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Amulet partners with The Senate Group

Amulet, the security division of Churchill Services Group, has announced a strategic partnership with The Senate Group. 

The new partnership will see The Senate Group provide Amulet with immediate access to invaluable intelligence across the UK.

Under the partnership, Amulet will combine intelligence gathered locally through their specialist operational teams who will then feed this vital information directly through to Senate. 

The intelligence analysts will then use this information and overlay it with online news feeds, social media and other web-based research to gain a greater understand of the situation. This intelligence combined with historical data such as crime statistics and trends will enable Amulet to offer clients sector and geographic specific intelligence, allowing for greater security and threat management. 

Darren Read, Managing Director from Amulet, said: “We are thrilled to be partnering with The Senate Group. Since we launched Amulet we have been focused on providing a service that adds value and compliments our customers’ business. This is an important step in how we are ‘transforming’ security and ensuring our teams are best placed to deal with any potential threat to our clients.”

Paul Keeling, CEO of The Senate Group, added: “All of us at Senate are genuinely delighted to be working with Amulet and anticipate a symbiotic relationship in which the combined resources, skills and expertise of both companies combine to deliver outcomes that are not simply just effective in practice, but which generate creative, bespoke and relevant solutions for Amulet and its customer base.”

The partnership also offers Amulet’s clients access to a communications hub that will deliver global risk analysis for employees whose role takes them oversees. In addition to threat levels and travel advice, employees can be monitored and in the case of any major incident plans will be in place to assist employees and ensure their safety. 

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