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Procurement organisation and social enterprise Fusion21 has announced the suppliers successfully appointed to its national Workplace & Facilities Framework – worth up to £1.1bn over a four-year period.

Over 60 pre-qualified, highly skilled suppliers, both SME’s and multinational organisations, with extensive knowledge, appropriate accreditations and expertise have secured a place on the framework, which has been designed to meet the needs of local authorities, NHS trusts, bluelight organisations, education providers and central government.

Multi-sourcing options in Lots 1 and 2 allow the appointment of a service provider to deliver multiple services (bundled or TFM) incorporating elements of physical asset management, and service management Lots 3 to 6 offer individual services. The full Lot structure includes: 

Lot 1 – FM Principal Contractor

Lot 2 – FM Managing Agent

Lot 3 – Cleaning & Washroom Services

Lot 4 – Security Services

Lot 5 – Waste Management

Lot 6 – Building Engineering Services (M&E)

Framework benefits include:

  • Flexible pricing options available allowing call off of a comprehensive range of works and services to enable smooth running of any facility small or large.
  • Ability to add in additional services such as catering or grounds maintenance.
  • Members can manage services themselves or if they don’t have the expertise in-house they can appoint a Managing Agent or Principal Contractor.
  • Flexible approaches to call off without reopening competition - Direct Award (with or without Negotiation), Single Stage and Two Stage Mini Competitions.
  • Procured in line with Public Contracts Regulations 2015 and Public Contracts Regulations (Scotland) 2015.
  • Complementary Cleaning and Washroom services DPS that sits alongside the framework giving Members greater choice.
  • Ability to focus on and target local suppliers where appropriate. 

Peter Francis, Director of Operations at Fusion21 said “The new framework will provide a range of FM solutions to Fusion21 members, whilst giving them access to qualified and experienced staff with particular experience of facilities management.

“A real benefit to our members and their communities is the social value delivery that is aligned to organisational priorities and can be monitored and reported against for all call offs.”

Fusion21 is holding a free webinar to launch the framework and you can register to attendhere

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