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Build2Perfom Live Programme Is Announced

Build2Perfom Live Programme Is Announced

The greatly anticipated programme for Build2Perform Live has been revealed with over 60 free-to attend sessions delivering high quality content and speakers taking place at London’s Olympia on 21st and 22nd November 2017.

The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE), have reached out to their extensive international network of building performance experts to curate a programme dedicated to helping the supply chain improve efficiency and save money through effective building services.

CIBSE Divisions and Special Interest Groups are hosting 20 half-day streams of engaging and interactive content focusing on the building performance themes of wellbeing, digital engineering, and energy. Delivering case studies, best practice advice and debates that are relevant to both the domestic and non-domestic sectors, attending Build2Perfom Live is essential for anyone that is involved in ensuring buildings perform.

Programme highlights include a substantial focus on wellbeing, with best practice case studies from Cundall and Arup on how to design lighting for user welllbeing, proven strategies for maintaining air quality in buildings, natural ventilation, and an overview of forthcoming updates to CIBSE guidance in TM40 on Health and Wellbeing and CIBSE Guide L: Sustainability.

Digital engineering will also take centre stage across the two days with a focus on digital processes that facilitate faster and more accurate design stage work, and how building services construction, commissioning and facilities management has been improved by digital practices.

Build2Perform will also be championing the drive towards greater industry collaboration and the reduction in energy use of buildings, from design through to operation. Sessions on energy include a spotlight on building simulation, procurement, metering, and the important role that facilities managers play post-occupancy.

Playing a key role in Build2Perform Live is CIBSE’s Young Engineers Network. Their stream ‘how to engage better with clients’ features a challenge for participants to work together and generate ideas for moving building performance higher up the priority list for developers.

Peter Y Wong CEng FCIBSE, President of CIBSE, said: “It is very exciting to reveal the programme for what is sure to be one of the biggest and most dynamic events that CIBSE has ever created. Building performance is a fast-moving area of our industry, and we have planned a programme of new and innovative sessions to reflect the pace of that change.”

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